RBT® Exam Money Back Guarantee

Money Back Guarantee for RBT® Exams

We are so confident that our RBT Mock Exams will help you pass the real RBT® exam that we offer a Money Back Guarantee!

If you meet the criteria below, you will receive a full refund:

  1. You completed our RBT® Mock Exam within the past 30 days.
  2. You have official proof from the BACB® that you did not pass the real RBT® exam.

If you completed our RBT® mock exam(s) within the past 30 days and then failed the real RBT® exam, you are eligible for a full refund for your purchase. Email us at administration@studyaba.com and use the title “Refund Request for RBT Mock Exam”.  Include a copy of your official exam results.  We will process this refund request within 1-3 business days.